Tuesday, February 16, 2016

MCAT Testing Tip

MCAT Testing Tip:

Take your time!

When you start studying for the MCAT, it is inevitable to start doing the math to figure out exactly how much time you have per question per 95 minute section. However, allowing yourself only 1 minute and 35 seconds per question will definitely bring down your score.

Many of the MCAT questions can be answered very quickly and easily, but others require much more time and thought. If it takes you 3 minutes to answer a question, you shouldn't spend only a minute and a half on it just to get it wrong or guess. Then you've just wasted all of your time on that question.

In order to spend enough time on each question, you should do the stand-alone questions and the easy-looking passages first. This way, when you have questions left you need to guess on at the end, they are the difficult ones that would have taken you more time and you were likely to get wrong anyway.

When you choose a passage to complete, answer all of the questions in that passage. Reading a passage takes a long time, and if you skip around passages, you will lose a lot of time reading and rereading passages. 

What other time-management tips do you have for the MCAT? Comment below!